54 new definitions this week


word in Tunisian
مفتوحه : تعني امرأة مارست الجنس ،ليست عذراء
By a guest


word in Tunisian
سالا = أنهى
ساليت = أنهيت
مسالي =منتهي
-را ساليت مْ كتابا .
= لقد أنتهيت من الكتابة.
By asta


word in Tunisian
الزل هو السائل المنوي للرجل
فرغتلها الزل متاعي في فمها
By a guest


word in Tunisian
Zāməl (زامل) – Etymology (Moroccan Arabic)
In Moroccan Arabic (Darija), the term zāməl (زامل) is commonly used as a derogatory slur, roughly translating to "[[bottom]]", [[sissy]], "[[gay]]," "[[faggot]]," "[[kinky]]" or "[[bastard]]". Despite its pejorative connotations in modern usage, the term's etymology reveals a much richer and more nuanced history that reflects its linguistic evolution across different periods and regions.
Origins in Classical Arabic
The word zāməl derives from the Classical Arabic root [[ز-م-ل]] (Z-M-L), which carries several meanings related to carrying burdens or being burdened:
- Zāmil: Traditionally referred to a person or animals (like horses,Donkeys, Mules and camels) that carries a load or burden.
- Zamīl: Could mean a companion or a follower, often someone who shares a burden, such as a fellow traveler or someone riding on the same mount (as in the concept of a "partner" or "assistant").
- Azmala: To cover or envelop something, as in wrapping oneself in a cloak, similar to the usage in the Quranic verse {يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُزَّمِّلُ}, where "muzzammil" refers to someone wrapped up, possibly in thoughts or responsibilities.
Evolution and Semantic Shift:
In the context of [[Maghrebi dialects]], particularly Moroccan Arabic, the word appears to have undergone a significant [[semantic shift]]. The transition from a neutral or positive term referring to someone who carries burdens to a derogatory term likely stems from cultural and social perceptions surrounding roles of power, subjugation, and masculinity.
1. Role of the Zāmil (carrier): Historically, someone who was a zāmil—a carrier of goods or burdens—was often seen in a subordinate or servile position, carrying not only physical loads but also metaphorical burdens such as social stigma or responsibility. Over time, this association with a passive, subordinate role might have contributed to its modern use as a slur.

2. Metaphorical association: The term's modern derogatory sense, particularly in referring to a gay person or someone perceived as [[effeminate]] , likely draws from the idea of passivity or being "ridden" or used, echoing older connotations of burden-bearing animals or followers.
3. Influence of sexual connotations: In many cultures, including Moroccan, traditional gender norms and sexual roles have historically associated passivity in male homosexuality with a loss of masculinity or power. This notion may have led to the use of "zāməl" as a slur, implying someone who takes on a "submissive" or "inferior" role in sexual relationships, much like a burden-bearing animal.
Other Languages And dialects :
In addition to its Classical Arabic roots, zāməl has parallels in other languages and dialects, including Maltese, where the term [[żiemel]] means "horse." Although Maltese evolved separately from Arabic, it shares many cognates with North African dialects, and the similarity may hint at shared linguistic roots.
Also, the word "Zmāl" (زمال) in Iraqi Arabic means "donkey" or "ass".
Modern Usage:
Today, zāməl in Moroccan Arabic is primarily used as a [[homophobic insult]], targeting individuals perceived as [[gay]] or [[effeminate]]. The term also carries connotations of disrespect and derision
By asta


word in Tunisian
يانايا = أنا.

"دابا يانايا" في المغربي تعني "إنني قد "
- دابا يانايا كنت ملهي كنفكر تا وصل. -
= إنني قد كنت مشغولا في التفكير حتى وصل .
By asta


word in Tunisian
يانا =أنا
مرادف: يانايا ، آنا ، أنايا
-دابا يانا شنو دوري هنايا ؟-
= ما هو دوري أنا هنا الآن ؟

-را يانا كونت غير كنكتب .-
= إنني كنت فقط أكتب .
By asta


word in Tunisian
معوج : مش زابط بالعربية الفصحى ليس معتدلا

معوج : سيئ
خماري راهو معوج

تعني الطرحة تبعي مش زابطة

فلان راهو يتبع في الطريق العوجة ::::: اي فلان يسير في الطريق السيئة و ينحرف عن السراط
By a guest

نيك مماتك

Nik mammetek
word in Tunisian
تستخدم لاهانة الشخص الذي أمامك بالاساءة لجدته و تحريضه على ممارسة الجنس معها
كاسترو : تغلط مع زبي راني نيكلك مماتك
كيلا : نيك مماتك
كيلا يذهب للسجن بسبب انتشال الهواتف
By a guest

لقحب شرارة

La97eb charara
word in Tunisian
تعبير يدل على كون الشخص بارع في القيام بفعل معين . و بمكن استعماله للسخرية في حالة جهل الشخص بالمعني بالامر بالموضوع المتفق عليه
كسترو : ملا لقحب شرارة
دالي : وليت لزبي لقحب شرارة انتي معناها
By a guest


word in Tunisian
كلمة ذات اصل فرنسي (semaine ) وتعني أسبوع متداولة في دول المغرب العربي ( تونس- الجزائر - المغرب) ، بالنسبة للمغرب قد يختلف النطق قليلا فتقال: سيمانة
السمانه الجاية عندي امتحان = لدي امتحان الاسبوع المقبل
By a guest
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